
Marry someone you know well (2)

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Spare time to know the parents and relatives of the mate intended for marriage. In most cases the two who are about to enter marriage come from different backgrounds.

One might come from a well-to-do family, whilst the other comes from an average family. In other cases, one might come from a broken family (because the parents either divorced or died) while the other comes from a steady family. Consider these seriously when entering marriage.

Children from broken marriages usually look to their spouses for the lost love they missed in their family. They expect their partners to be understanding and sympathetic. On the other hand, children from a steady, healthy, good family readily give love and expect to be loved in return. Those that come from well-to-do families tend to be domineering and look down on their better half while those from modest homes build resistance to whatever situation they are found in.

For such marriages to work, that is where there are divergent backgrounds, a lot of adjustments are expected to be made for one to fit into the new order of life. Never at any point think that you can change the people you have become involved with through your mate. His / her parents will continue with their lifestyle, whilst you as the child joining this family through marriage, need to work hard to fit into the set up.

Marriage is indeed the union between two people who join together to form one flesh and God has warned us that let no man put it asunder. However, parents and family need to be respected. Do not expect the family you are marrying into to bend over backwards to accommodate you. One must make an effort to be integrated into the family as well.

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